
Latest list of activities from our organizations

AD – Cursillo

Joy Bandy through the parish office at 610-856-1006 


A support group for those grieving a loss due to death. Present at all Funerals to lend assistance including adult altar servers. Sends cards of bereavement to parishioners who have lost a loved one. Assist participants in recognizing the signs of their grief and ways of coping with their grief. The ministry conducts two group sessions a year (spring and fall).
Mary Ann Razzano through the parish office at 610-856-1006 

Book Club

The St. Benedict book club is an informal group that meets once a month to discuss current books or authors. Meetings are usually held in members’ homes at 7 PM on the third Tuesday of the month. New members are always welcome!
Anita Harrison through the parish office at 610-856-1006 or

Catholics Divorce Ministry

A ministry to help Catholics cope with divorce and the impact on family, faith and self. Open to St. John’s Parish & St. Benedict’s. 12 week session with DVDs and discussions facilitated by Joe Boylan (St. Benedict’s) and Deb Seidel (St. John’s).
Joe Boylan through the parish office at 610-856-1006 or

Family Life

The purpose of the Family Life Committee is to engage all members of the church in family-friendly activities. We promote Christianity in our community. We strive to enrich the lives of each family through events held throughout the year 
Leadership is currently open.  Please contact Gene Raser through the parish office at 610-856-1006

Festival Committee

A group of parishioners that plans parishes largest fundraiser of the year, the annual Chicken Barbecue/Summer Festival.
Susan Teaford through the parish office at 610-856-1006

Friendly Visitors

Make home visits, telephone calls, or send cards to homebound parishioners. There are about 20 volunteers who make home visits as needed.
Dennis Brizick through the parish office at 610-856-1006.

Gardens/Steward of Creation

Makes baskets for the Christmas Bazaar. Does Fall clean-up was…putting garden beds to sleep for winter. Planning Mary’s Garden. Recycles paper and magazines.Collects ink cartridges to be recycled.
Tony Diederich through the parish office at 610-856-1006.

Knights of Columbus

A Catholic group of men formed to do charitable deeds.
Mike Maiers through the parish office at 610-856-1006
More Information


Coming soon.

Prime Timers

Meet monthly on the fourth Tuesday. This group has in excess of 100 members 55 plus. They are our seniors group.
Charlie Jones through the parish office at 610-856-1006
More Information

Property Committee

About 8 members that help prioritize parish needs to the church campus repairs is in repairs and maintenance to the property.
John Bergandino through the parish office at 610-856-1006

Respect Life

Meet monthly to plan and keep the parish informed about the Catholic position on all respect life issues.
Mary Newhams through the parish office at 610-856-1006

St. Vincent DePaul

St Vincent de Paul Society meets the second Monday of the month to discuss how they can assist people in need with resources given to them by parish poor boxes, grants, etc.. Consists of about 20 active members. They prepare over 50 food baskets 3 times a year for the needy and host the Kennedy Soup Kitchen twice a year.

Andy Terifay through the parish office at 610-856-1006

St Vincent de Paul has joined with Saint Benedict Church in using ParishGiving for online donations.  To donate to St Vincent de Paul, click here.


The goal of this ministry is to foster the living of stewardship as a way of life which means living the spirituality of stewardship of time, of talent, and of treasure.
John Bergandino through the parish office at 610-856-1006


To encourage parishioners to pray for, learn about, support, and recruit vocations to the priesthood and religious life. To provide opportunities to develop vocation awareness through various parish structures already in existence.
Mia MIller through the parish office at 610-856-1006

Women’s Club

Long standing group that financially supports youth events like Vacation Bible School, Halloween party, First Communion gifts, etc. They meet the first Tuesday of each Month. Their largest fund raiser is the Christmas bazaar.

More Information

Youth Group

7th –12th grade students. This group has on going meetings and activities throughout the month. They offer social, religious education, service, and spiritual programs for teens.
For more information, please call the parish office at 610-856-1006